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by Lynne
Hello, I am 51 and broke my right hip in Jan. After surgery that used 3 screws to fix my hip, I was non weight bearing on that leg for eight weeks. My first day of physical therapy when I was allowed to bear weight, I stumbled and broke my right great toe. I was put in a boot cast and told to bear weight on it as tolerated. The boot did not seem to help much as I still had toe pain, so for four more weeks I continued to use my walker while not bearing weight except when going out in public when I would use the boot and a cane. Finally with the go ahead to bear full weight on both feet, I resumed walking. My feet are very flat and pronate greatly following many years of standing in my jobs. When I got back in my regular shoes with my custom made orthotics, I found them to be very irritating to wear. The bottoms of my feet hurt from them, but I continued wearing them as I thought I just needed to get use to them again. They support my feet and help with foot fatigue, but now I frequently feel vibrations in the bottom of both feet. They vibrate for two seconds, feel fine for two seconds, then vibrate, feel fine, etc. I have read others to describe it as feeling like there is a cell phone vibrating in your foot. Rest alleviates the vibrations eventually, but they start up again when I get up. Going without the orthotics have not helped with the vibrations. I told my orthopedic surgeon about it. He feels it is a nerve irritation or compression. He gave me a prescription for new orthotics. I hate to spend money on them if I don't need to as I already have so many medical bills. What would be your opinion on what to do next? Thank you very much!
University of Rochester Medical Center
American Academy of Pediatrics
Columbia University Department of Rehabilitation
Feb 06, 23 07:17 PM
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