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AUTHOR: Marc Mitnick DPM --> tendonitis


The tendon is the end part of a muscle that attaches into bone. Tendonitis (tendinitis) can occur anywhere in the body but is very prevalent in the foot. This discussion will deal with the most common types seen in the foot.

This condition can occur for any number of reasons. Usually it is due to an over repetitive action of some kind such as might be the case in a runner. Irritation of the tendon tends to become more prevalent as we age because our tendons lose some of their elasticity; the ability to move in response to the action that is required of the muscle.

In most instances the patient will be able to relate to a specific incident that caused the tendon pain, but many times a patient will come in complaining of pain in a certain part of the foot with no history of trauma or excessive activity. It is usually upon questioning that the patient will relate that they spent yesterday carrying boxes up and down the stairs, as an example, but they did not make the connection to the activity and subsequent pain. Other times, it may not be that obvious. I have had patients who have just gotten back from vacation and all of a sudden their foot hurts and it never dawned on them that it might be from walking long distances in an airport carrying heavy items.


Typically, a patient will present complaining of specific tenderness in a certain area of the foot. The area will be tender to touch; the area may be slightly swollen and even possibly slightly red. Moving the foot in a certain manner to get the tendon to expand and then contract will result in pain

Generally, an x-ray should be taken to rule out any bone abnormality; the x-ray is of little value in viewing the tendon itself.


Treatment in my office is based on the degree of pain

  • anti-inflammatory medication for 7-10 days
  • warm soaks or compresses in an effort to increase blood flow to the area to help with the healing
  • physical therapy in more severe cases
  • immobilization of the foot is always indicated and depending on the degree of pain and its location determines how much immobilization. Sometimes an ace bandage is all that is necessary, other times a cast and crutches may be necessary. Again, it’s the same old problem with the foot; every time you take a step you are re-injuring an injured area and so foot problems tend to take longer to heal compared to other areas of the body.
  • reduction in activity

If the affected area does not improve substantially within a reasonable period of time an ultrasound or MRI may be indicated to rule out a tear within the tendon or even a partial rupture at the attachment of the tendon into bone.

tendonitis vs. tendinosis

When we talk about tendinopathies (pathology within tendons) it can be further broken into tendonitis which this discussion covers which implies an acute inflammation of the tendon. It is important to mention the other type of tendinopathy is tendinosis which is a chronic pain occurring in a tendon with no overt inflammation but degeneration of the tendon instead.

Both conditions will yield pain but the treatments offered in the previous paragraphs will only be effective in tendonitis because they attempt to reduce inflammation.

In tendinosis there is no inflammation but instead the pain being caused by degeneration of the tendon will not respond to the above treatments. The point to take away from this is that acute tendon injuries should be treated immediately. Delaying treatment may lead to a tendinosis and in those instances the only treatment is surgical intervention where the diseased tendon is repaired with an attempt to reintroduce the inflammatory phase.


In theory tendonitis can occur at any tendon but it seems to me over the years people come in with complaints of pain indicative of tendonitis in five places on the foot.

Below is a picture of two common sites for tendonitis.

tendinitis of foot

extensor tendons- The first site by the blue arrow represents what we call extensor tendonitis. The tendons pictured here are the tendons that bend the toes upward. People will usually not relate any history of trauma or excessive activity in this type of tendonitis. The top of the foot will be very tender, mildly swollen, and possibly slightly red. Touching the area and certainly bending the toes down will cause pain. Keep in mind that a stress fracture of the metatarsals can mimic these symptoms. Click here for more information on fractures.

peroneus longus tendon- The second site at the yellow arrow represents an irritation of the peroneus longus tendon. Whoever designed us really did a lousy job when it comes to this tendon. (I guess at the time no one ever thought man would wear shoes and walk on concrete). What happens with this tendon is that it comes down the outside of the foot and then makes a sharp turn underneath the foot and ends of attaching on the inside of the foot. It is a tendon that is used to stabilize the foot during the gait cycle.

The problem occurs where the tendon makes the sharp turn. As the tendon moves it slides across the bone (cuboid) and therefore can be easily irritated. Of course this can happen in athletic people, also in people who do a lot of walking on hard surfaces. The one common denominator that most people do not realize is the shoe that they are wearing.

In many instances a shoe that is too narrow causes this tendonitis. What happens is that this particular part of the foot “overhangs” the outer sole of the shoe and the sole itself begins to irritate the tendon as it is passing under the cuboid bone. This will occur primarily in dress shoes, especially stylish dress shoes. That is why many times the patient will relate that they feel somewhat better in sneakers because most sneakers are not too narrow at that level of the foot and the sole is a cushioned type sole.

The obvious treatment is to try on your shoes and not wear the ones where the outside of your foot is overhanging the outer side of the sole.

Even with removing the harmful shoes, this problem can take a while to resolve since you are still walking on the tendon every step you take. In addition to the previous mentioned treatments for tendonitis, sometimes a cortisone injection along with special padding inside the shoe will finally resolve the problem.

Below is another picture of the tendons of the foot.

tendinitis inside part of foot

Achilles tendon- The blue arrow is pointing to the Achilles tendon. This may be the most common site of tendonitis in the body. Again, generally over-exertion will irritate the tendon as it attaches into the heel bone. One of the biggest causative factors for Achilles tendonitis is a tendon that it is too tight.

With your knee locked and foot extended attempt to bend your foot up using rope or a towel. If your foot and ankle form a 90 degree angle or anything less, you have a tight heel cord. Because of this any over stress to the tendon can either inflame it or in some cases rupture it.

Women who have worn high heels their whole adult lives will find that they have tendonitis pain in the back of the foot when they attempt to wear flats or go barefoot. The reason for this is that over the years the tendon has tightened up (shortened) from wearing high heels.

Men over the age of 40 are much more prone to Achilles tendon ruptures due the decrease in elasticity of the tendon past the age of 40. While on the subject of acute tendon ruptures it is worth noting that people on antibiotics of the Fluoroguinolone variety (Cipro) are also at an increased risk of tendon rupture and tendonitis.

As a preventative measure I generally recommend to my older male athletes that they wear a one-quarter inch heel lift in both shoes particularly when they are doing anything athletic. Lifting the heel then takes some of the tension off of the Achilles tendon.

tibialis anterior tendon- The Green arrow represents tendonitis pain that occurs on the inside of the foot. This tendon, the tibialis anterior tendon acts to keep the height of the arch up. Too much pressure forcing the foot to flatten out such as chronic obesity, a strenuous athletic activity, etc. will cause too much tension on this tendon and it will begin to hurt usually at its attachment into the bone (navicular).

Along with the usual treatment for tendonitis, an orthotic device to support the arch is very helpful, even mandatory, if the pain is ever to be resolved. By wearing an orthotic the tendon does not have to work as hard to support the foot. Click here for more information on orthotics.

posterior tibial tendon- The yellow arrow represents the posterior tibial tendon. The purpose of this tendon is to also support the arch. Overuse of the tendon causes it to become inflamed and overstretched. This can happen from activities such as running, hiking or even jobs such as movers who are forced to carry heavy objects in awkward positions. In some people, just being overweight can exacerbate the condition

This condition is also known as adult acquired flat foot, also known as posterior tibial dysfunction, because as the tendon continues to weaken, the foot continues to further flatten.

Initially there will pain and swelling on the inside of the foot near the ankle. As the condition worsens and the foot begins to flatten out more pain may develop on the outside of the ankle from the foot bone jamming into the lateral ankle bone. Additionally since the foot is no longer functioning in a proper manner degenerative changes will occur in the foot causing arthritic changes. Pain is not limited to the foot and ankle. Since the problem tends to be progressive it may also lead to knee, hip or back pain.

In this case it is imperative that the underlying problem of the arch flattening out be addressed. If the condition is not too severe a prescription orthotic is indicated to take up some of the work of the poorly functioning tendon.

More severe cases may require an ankle foot orthosis that holds the foot in proper alignment with the ankle to take more pressure off the tendon. In more advanced cases a non-weightbearing cast may be necessary in order to rest the tendon and allow it to heal. If these conservative treatments fail to remedy the problem, then surgical intervention may be indicated involving both the tendon and bone in an effort to stabilize the foot.


Mayo Clinic

American Podiatric Medical Association

American Family Physician

translate page

ORTHOTICS for multiple types of foot pain
best buy in a pre-made orthotic
click link below


ORTHOTICS for heel and arch pain for those who must wear dress shoes
click link below


I've been doing some aggressive research lately (it's how I found your incredible website) and realize now that my symptoms are not consistant with the diagnosis. Jennifer

Hunterville, NC
….after reviewing your amazing site (great for the avg. jill). So thank you very much!!!


I am really, really impressed with your plain-speak explanations for the various conditions.


This was an extremely helpful site. I have an appointment on the 18th and your info. Was right on target…..


A well organized site containing much information written in a manner that the average reader can comprehend.


Ontario, Canada
I found your website and articles most interesting.


Thank you for a quick response. I think your site is the best information site on foot pain and I have viewed many.


(location unknown)
I came to your website, via www.foot-pain explained .com which I think is also your website? I thought explanations for different types of problems were well addressed and thoughtfully stated for the patient in mind.


New York
You have an amazing and extremely informative site. I enjoyed looking through all of the data and stats.


Memphis, TN
Thanks again so much for the information in the article. Very interesting.


Great article. I have had plantar fasciitis since I was in high school……..

J. Simmons

(location unknown)
Dear Dr. Mitnick, The orthotics arrived four days ago and I slipped them into my shoes immediately. I was skeptical as to the usefulness of the item, they really didn't look very exotic. I have to say though, after using them for just four days, I have experienced grand relief from my foot pain. Even the very first day, I was able to do a lot of work while on my feet with at least a 75% reduction of pain. It has only gotten better every day, and I go nowhere without my shoes with the orthotics. I had been experiencing extreme heel and sole pain for about six months and had to take extended breaks off my feet many times a day as well as regular doses of Ibuprofen. Since getting the orthotics, my life has returned to normal and I feel good again. Just wanted to say thanks for the recommendation for a very effective item, I had no idea what a change this item could affect.

Yours truly,

J.C. Forbes

Thanks for the Response, you hit it on the head.


Redondo Beach, CA
Thank you for your time and expertise in answering my question…..


(location unknown)
First, thanks for putting together this website. Its the most informative site I have found dealing with foot problems. Last June I started having pain and swelling at …….


(location unknown)
First of all, thank you for having all this useful information available in one place. I've been through most of your website and based on my research, pain and evaluations I think I've narrowed things down quite a bit.

Pete M.

(location unknown)
Thank you for the best site I have found when researching foot pain.

Glenda B.

Madison, Alabama
Thanks for replying so quickly. I was a bit concerned. I think your website is great, and chock full of info.....


Denison, TX
Dr. Marc, Thank you so much for your reply which seemed to be right on. I have researched many sites but you put me on the right path to the possible answer. My foot pain may not rule the rest of my life after all! I believe I'll make a sign that reads, "THE END IS NEAR!" Thanks Very Much,


West lafayette, IN
Dear doubt you get positive comments re your site...May I please be added to the list of your admirers. In all of my years of web surfing I would say your site is right there with the very best. Thank you for taking the time to write the terrific info you provide and for putting things into laymen terms for us mere mortals. I pray you have much on going success and thank you again for a deed well done. As for me I did not find much help for my symptoms and will continue on my quest. Were you anywhere in the South I would make and appointment...Thanks again dear sir...m.e.

Michael E.

Tampa, Florida 33624
Hi. This is a great site! I'm a healthy middle aged woman who is in good health, but.....


Just a wee word of thanks for your wonderful website...It is a terrific service...Thank you for providing your knowledge and help...With highest regards, m ebeling

Michael D. Ebeling

Tampa, Florida 33624

Thanks for a most interesting website, which has helped a lot.



Dear Dr.Mitnick

I usually do my research on the Mayo clinic website. I think your website is the most informative site I have found when researching foot pain.

I thank you for putting together this incredible website.


Dragica W.


....I have been told that it is not hard enough to be cut off. Please help, I am not sure what to do now! THANKS FOR A WONDERFUL AND VERY HELPFUL SITE!


South Africa

You have an unusually clear, informative and well-written website for laypersons. Thank you for that.

Matthew W.

Mansfield Ctr, CT

First, I'd like to thank you for all the information that you provide on your website and the opportunity to write to you.


Placentia, California

First, I want to let you know that you have the best web site I've found related to foot issues. (The only thing I had difficulty finding was the "ask a question" page.)


Unknown location

I received the orthotics Monday afternoon and began wearing them Tuesday. After two days I would say that I have noticed a huge improvement in the discomfort I have been experiencing. My foot feels better than it has in months.

Ric J.

Unknown location

I greatly admire someone like you who would donate and dedicate so much time and effort to helping strangers with no compensation. Truly, it is uncommonly kind. And your site is so intelligently arranged.

Ron R.

Pacific Grove, CA

I used to work for a podiatrist (front desk) back during summers in college years ago, so I know the benefits of good care. Again, I want to thank you for an EXCELLENT website. It was so great to get to your site (top of google search) and actually find all the answers I needed EASILY and QUICKLY! Clearly you put a ton of work into it and I really appreciate it.

All the best,


Alameda, California

By the way, millions of websites could use yours as a guideline on how to organize information and make the site user-friendly. Kudos to you!


Thank you for your very interesting and informative site!


Hi. I come to your site often looking for information. It is really informative and I appreciate it very much. I have RA and have been having considerable amount of foot pain...... Dee RN

Thanks very much for the wonderful informative site.


New Zealand

Thank You for my answer! I have been schedule for a bone density scan, allingment, and I am in the process of getting orthotics made, and checking out the natural remedies. Thank again! What a great web site!



Yes I want both pair of orthotics. You don't have an option of ordering 2 at one time so I had to place the order twice. Thanks. My husband likes these and wants to put them in all of his shoes. (referring to Superstep orthotics)

Cindy H.

I searched the internet everywhere for a clear description and illustration of my symptoms/problem. was where I ended my search with answers. If I lived in Jersey (left 30 years ago) and didn't live in Florida I would definetly make an appointment with Dr. Mitnick.

Thanks, Kathy

1st of all THANKS A LOT for your great site......


Thank you so much for your response. I will let you know how I am doing if you would like. Your website is awesome!


South Carolina
Hello! I want to thank you for such an informative website! I found you based on my ankle pain search and am happy to realize that there may be a relatively simple cause and solution....


unknown location

...Thanks for your fantastic service.


Arlington, VA

Thank you so very much, that would be much appreciated. I love those insoles, by the way. (referring to Superstep orthotics)

Kelly W.

San Clemente, CA

Dr Marc is fantastic...He seems to know exactly what you are feeling with the problems you are having. I wish he was in my home town so I could go to him with my problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!


location unknown

Great insights! Thanks Doc, you're the best.


location unknown

I have been experiencing foot pain of various sorts and am working to figure out what it is. I found this site and can only say BRAVO!! What an excellent site! The time it must have taken to put all this together must've been a daunting task! I am sure it has helped so many people. Thank you so very much for doing this.


location unknown

Dr. Mitnick, Thank you so much for your reply. I did let my physician know and they took an x-ray - all is well! Also, thank you for providing this wonderful site, it is very helpful with lots of useful information! I appreciate your gift of time! God bless.


Dr. Mitnick, Thank you, you were 100% correct. The pain finally brought me to the ER. I spent 8 days in the hospital. The Doppler you spoke of was able to show that there was no pulse in that foot. This was an arterial clot that split and traveled throughout my leg. My leg was almost amputated. I am in rough shape but have all my parts intact!! You certainly know what you are talking about. Thank you for taking the time to answer. Yours Truly!


Staying at home after hallux surgery I spend quite a lot of time seaching info useful for avoiding problems which might come back. Today I found your site and I am .... delighted it happened. It's one of the best site I found last days.



Thanks for taking time to read and answer so many questions. It is truly a public service!


Seattle, WA

I just wanted to say that I am very greatful for this website!!


location unknown

Also, and importantly, just want to praise this web site. Thorough and thoughtfully presented, it certainly must be of considerable assistance to anyone with a foot problem. Terrific -- and very interesting.I trust the address comes up easily for those seeking information.


New Jersey

Thanks so much for answering my question. You've been more help to me than my own Dr. has been lately. Thanks again....I hope to be able to walk without pain someday.


location unknown

Wow, that is exactly the information needed!!! thank you thank you thank you!!! I appreciate this help so very much from Marc Mitnick DPM. Excellent information and help to improve One's life.


location unknown

Thanks so much for this website Dr. Marc! It is so nice that you have this ask the doctor feature..I'm sure I'ts been helpful for alot of people. I will try what you suggested and see if it helps...thanks again!


Evansville, IA

Dear Marc

I just want to say thank you for the quick response and the good info. I find it amazing and a super nice thing that you do here by answering medical questions at no charge.

Russ W.

location unknown

Your website is full of a lot of helpful information, and I am very impressed with the time in which you responded to my post. Thank you again for your time and consideration in your response.


location unknown

Thank you very much for the information, I will consider it. Excellent web site.


San Diego, CA

Dr. Mitnick, Just want to say thank you so very much for your quick response and very informative reply! After reading what you had to say, I called the doctor's office and was able to get in and see him the same day as my injury. Toe was x-rayed and luckily, it is not broken or fractured. Very badly bruised and will probably lose the toe nail. And although my toe and toe nail are still very black and blue and very sore, they ARE both starting to feel a little better. So again, thank you! I am so very happy that I came across your website. The service you provide is outstanding and immeasurable!


Albany, NY

Thank you so much for all of your advice. In searching the web for people dealing with this same issue i can tell you that you are a Knight In shining Armor! If I lived in Jersey I would gladly be your Spokesperson. Hopefully next time you hear from me it will be good news. God Bless,

Jill S.

location unknown



Whichita, KS

thanks again, this site is very helpful.


Boston, MA

Like others have stated...This site is amazing and I am so thankful that it was created.

....Keep up what your doing. Your a life saver.



Thanks again for the information provided on your site. It's easy for non-medical folk to understand your writing, and helps provide better communication between patient and doctor.



Wonderful advice

by: Anonymous

This is the best site for foot problem info.

Thank you for this information. This description fits my pain and inflammation behind my 2nd toe perfectly.

by: Max

location unknown
Again, I really appreciate that you responded to my inquiry, and that your mention of Parkinson's helped me to find my way to a diagnosis of this difficult to diagnose disease. Most patients see on average 16 doctors before they are diagnosed. I hope that you can help other people that ask for your expertise in the future.

Barb D.

I just wanted to say that I am very greatful for this website!! I have had a fusion in my rt foot and am finally getting a little bit better......


location unknown
Again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to answer my question....your an angel!


Thank you for your response. You have provided some great insight (to my question)....


location unknown
Thank-you so very much for responding so quickly and in such detail to my question!! I will give my surgeon a call today!! This website is terrific!!!! Thank-you again!


North Carolina
Many Thanks Dr Marc!
Thank you for your response. It sounds like a good plan to me. He did not cut the wart out first ...


location unknown

Thanks again doc for having this website and we STILL need qualified Podiatrists in beautiful sunny Tampa Bay (Bradenton) Florida.

Bessie Mae

Dear Dr. Mitnick, Thank you so very much for taking your time to answer my question. You have greatly relieved my anxiety related to the continual tingly I feel in my feet. I will share your response with my podiatrist next week. God bless you for having this question and answer page on your website! Most gratefully,

Lynne T.

location unknown
Your webpage is excellent, I commend you on sharing your knowledge to the public.


New Jersey

Thank you. you were more detailed than what others have told me they finally called from the last xrays and my son is now in a cast for 2 weeks he did have a fracture that was not noticeable.

a mom

location unknown

I have read your website and I have to admit that I am amazed at all the information that is on here. I have learned more than the three years I have been going to several doctors that I have seen!!


Lenoir, NC

Thank you so much Doc for a quick and thorough response!


Bellevue, WA

I cannot thank you enough for your response, opinion, and suggestions! I want you to know how much it means to me, and I'm sure everyone else who has ever asked you a question! I feel like you're a lifesaver and have empowered me to take a stronger role and stand up for myself and my feet!


location unknown

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